Final edit for smart builder

21 august 2017 for today, we need to finish our lesson and activities. from 2 pm until 5 pm. we consult our lesson and activities and we need to edit a little bit to make our lesson smooth. and for teusday, we need to answer the quizzes.

Smartbuilder : Create Hotspot

1 August 2017 & 2 August 2017

After a week we learned about creating page and creating button, this week we need to learned on how to make a hotspot. Its a bit confusing for me, because we need to click the hotspot and make the picture able to click.

First of all, we need to find any clip art or picture and insert to the new pages. Then we need to click the button hotspot on the side bar, then create and fit to the clipart or picture. After that, we need to look at the scripting and place it to the right script.

its a bit confusing me, and took me half and hour of the class to make my hotspot able to click.


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