Final edit for smart builder

21 august 2017 for today, we need to finish our lesson and activities. from 2 pm until 5 pm. we consult our lesson and activities and we need to edit a little bit to make our lesson smooth. and for teusday, we need to answer the quizzes.

Topic 7: Using podcast and digital storytelling in language learning.

what is podcast?

A podcast is an audio or video file. "Broadcast" via internet. It also can be downloaded to a computer or mobile device.

Two main uses podcasting in language learning

  • Students can listen to existing podcasts
  • Students can create their own podcasts
Using existing podcast

  • Self study
  • Listening in class
  • Variety of levels
  • Variety of topics
What do you need to podcasting?
  • Audio recording tools
  • Online voice recorder
  • Smartphone
What's next?
  • Upload to Youtube, soundcloud, iTunes
So here is my podcasts!


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