Final edit for smart builder

21 august 2017 for today, we need to finish our lesson and activities. from 2 pm until 5 pm. we consult our lesson and activities and we need to edit a little bit to make our lesson smooth. and for teusday, we need to answer the quizzes.

new blog and call history

Hello and Assalamualaikum. Its been awhile I didn't update anything about my ESP6013. I've been busy and almost forgot to update my blog.

In the first class, Madam explained about the marks and what we have to learn in this subject. Madam told us that we need to create a blog and need to update in every week.

First, we need to create a blog with any title. Mine is Aqilah's Blog. Madam taught us to edit our blog to become more interesting. Madam taught us to add the widget on the side left of the blog. she asked us to insert our blog's class and our subject's blog. I'm so excited during the class.

The second class of the week, 1 hour class. Madam taught us about CALL. Introduction of the CALL. Based on my understanding, Call is Computer Assisted Language Learning. term of study for learning language in class. Learners use computer to improve their learning. There is a few CALL program which are, CALL specific software, Generic software, Web-based learning programs and CMC

CALL specific software is a application or programs designed for facilitate language learning. for examples games, etc. Generic software is application designed for general purpose but co-opted for language teaching and learning. for example Microsoft word, excel and etc.Web-based learning programs is include online dictonary and many more

That the summary of my class last week. Gonna update soon! byee


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