Final edit for smart builder

21 august 2017 for today, we need to finish our lesson and activities. from 2 pm until 5 pm. we consult our lesson and activities and we need to edit a little bit to make our lesson smooth. and for teusday, we need to answer the quizzes.

Evolution of CALL

Hello and Assalamualaikum. Today is the second class for this week. The first class on Tuesday, we've learned about the evolution of the CALL. So basically, based on my understanding evolution of CALL have three basic progression which are Behaviouristic CALL, Communicative CALL and Integrated CALL.

Behaviouristic CALL is develop in 1960s based on behaviorist learning theory. The Stanford Project (1960) students listen and type the answer and students work is compared with answer sheet.

There are many advantages of using behaviouritic CALL. Can provide immediate feedback, efficient record keeping, students can work at their own pace outside the classroom.

Communicative CALL, developed between 1970-1980s and focused  on the usage of language rather than perfect grammar. Computer as a tutor. Non-drill format skill practice. Students have more control, choice and interaction in answering. Computer as stimulus designed to solve problem solving skills and stimulate students discussion, writing and critical thinking. Computer as a tool involves the generic software or tools for language learning. For example Microsoft words, Excel and etc.

Integrated CALL, began with CD-ROMs to store large amount of authentic media that can be used as materials. Hypermedia, non-linear medium of information that can include media, text, and audio. The internet and CALL,used for variety purpose 

In the nutshell, Although considered out of fashion, behaviourist and communicative CALL are still in used. With the internet and wide availability of technology, many core ideas of Computer Assisted Language Learning are changing.


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Final edit for smart builder

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