Final edit for smart builder

21 august 2017 for today, we need to finish our lesson and activities. from 2 pm until 5 pm. we consult our lesson and activities and we need to edit a little bit to make our lesson smooth. and for teusday, we need to answer the quizzes.

Computer Mediated Communication

Hello back. Before I start, do you know what is CMC? or in other words is Computer Mediated Communication. Do you have any idea on it? or did you have heard this words before?

So basically, CMC is any form of communication or interaction between two or more people via separate computers through network connection. Started in late 1980s and 1990s with introduction of Communicative CALL.

ASYNCHRONOUS CMS means that communication is not synchronized and message are not exchanged and replied immediately. for example, E-mails, social media, internet forums, message board and blogs.

CMC and long distance learning. in the late 2000s, CMC was implemented for distance learning.
Synchronous communication allows teachers and learners to interact without bening in the same place.

COLLABORATIVE learning. Computers can help enhance peers interaction and group works.
For examples, google doc, google drive, blogs and messenger.


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